6th Gate, Kaia (Agri-World)

Events on Kaia

Kaia's Gate was opened just over a hundred years ago. The temperate, stable climate within a few hundred miles of the Frontier Gate made the region's value as farmland apparent very quickly, and a large farming community quickly sprang up, spurred on by land grants and tax incentives issued by the government of Argnon.

While the area immediately around the Gate is quiet and peaceful, as one goes farther south the situation changes. The lands become wild, full of fey creatures and large animals. Bandits and troublemakers frequently run to this region, as law enforcement rarely heads far enough into the wilderness to take real action. As a result, the area south of the Kaian farm belt has become increasingly lawless, with bandits, monsters, and wild animals in conflict with one another spilling north onto good farmland, and causing disruptions to Argnon's food supply.

This activity is centered in an area known as the Stolen Lands. For a time, this region was home to productive farms, enormous cattle ranges, and rich mines, but over the course of a few decades, the majority of legitimate settlers were driven out by fey interference and magical beasts. A few doughty souls still live here, scraping by as best they can, but banditry and further raids make this a difficult prospect. Worse, as the pickings become slimmer, bandits and fey are traveling into the state of Brevoy to the north, causing severe damage and economic stress.

As a result, the Brevian government contracted with the Argnonian Office of Colonial Affairs and the Order of the Scales to sponsor several expeditions into the Stolen Lands. Each expedition was granted the rights to map, claim, and establish colonies on separate regions within the Stolen Lands.

Major Settlements

Nar Khaldur

This predominantly jackalope city is the 'capital' of Kaia, if such a status could be claimed. It was the first city established, and is built up around the Frontier Gate. Most of the city is actually underground, centered on some old ruins from ages ago, and expanded on by its populace over time. Most of the aboveground structures are for the benefit of non-jackalopes, who for some reason resent having a ceiling over their heads when they go outside their homes.


The capitol of Brevoy and a moderately prosperous city, Brevia is inhabited primarily by the Qog who founded the state. Few concessions have been made for the comfort of organic creatures, so other races rarely visit, and when they do they spend most of their time in the Organic Quarter, which has far more comforts and far less atmospheric pollution.