
Many languages exist throughout the realms of the Endless Frontier. Some are commonly spoken by humanoids, while others are typically used by extraplanar entities. Many languages have evolved on worlds whose Frontier Gates as yet lie unopened, waiting to be discovered.

This page covers the most common languages that characters know and speak. Any character can learn these languages with a high Intelligence or ranks in Linguistics; at the GM's discretion, other languages may exist and be available for characters to learn.


Aquan is predominantly spoken by elementals from the plane of water, and by those who commune with such creatures regularly.


Calculan is a unique language. Spoken predominantly by the Qog, it is a hexadecimal language that is easily processed by their artificial minds. There are sixteen 'letters' in Calculan, each corresponding to a value from 0 to F. They are 'spoken' by making an abrupt chirping sound, with the value corresponding to the tone (0 has a low pitch, F has a high pitch). Qog and other artificial beings can speak this language very rapidly, as can characters with an Ironflesh Thoracic Vital Chamber, but others can find it difficult to speak as quickly as they would in more organic languages. Calculan is also spoken by lawful outsiders


Celestial is the sacred language of the Goddesses, and the only one which they respond to with magic. It is a musical language, with most punctuation symbols and numbers having specific sounds associated with them in spoken Celestial (for example, < is pronounced "sic", > is pronounced "KRA-sic", and 0 is pronounced "ah"). Celestial hymns generally resemble computer code and execution commands when written, and contain instructions for the Ars Tonelico to follow. Celestial is also spoken by many good outsiders.

Ancient Celestial

Ancient Celestial is a variant of Celestial that was spoken by many human scholars in the distant past. It is a separate dialect from Celestial, and to understand it well it must be taken as a separate language. Many ancient facilities and ruins are filled with writings in Ancient Celestial.


Draconic is the language of dragons, rarely spoken outside of battle or debate, as its inherent power and violence can induce fury in those who hear it.


Ignan is predominantly spoken by elementals from the plane of fire, and by those who commune with such creatures regularly.


Ippan is the common tongue spoken throughout the Endless Frontier. It was the original language of humanity in eons past, and some form of it has survived on every world. All playable races know Ippan.


Infernal is the language of the infernal realms of Hell, and is spoken by demons, devils, and other evil outsiders. Some foolish mortals dare to study this language, not knowing (or not caring) that even looking upon it for too long twists the mind in subtle ways, let alone committing it to memory.


Protean is the language of chaos and change. No word is pronounced the same way twice in protean, and its constantly changing nature can make it difficult for most to comprehend or learn. However, there is a particular mathematical pattern to it, as chaos is not truly random, but only appears so on the surface; grasping this pattern is the key to understanding the language. Protean is mainly spoken by chaotic outsiders.


Sylvan is the language of all fey creatures, and as such, it is the primary language of the Fae people of Tera.


Tengu speak Tengu. It is the most common language on their homeworld, and consists largely of quick syllables that are easier for their physiology to speak.


Terran is predominantly spoken by elementals from the plane of earth. It is also a common language on Erzestan, as the gnomes there bind earth elementals and mephits to their machines as a source of power; knowing the Terran tongue allows them to issue instructions more effectively to these servitors.


Texalian is a heavily-altered Ippan dialect with long-drawn out vowels and a great deal of gesturing. It is predominantly spoken by jackalopes, and can be somewhat challenging for other species to grasp the nuance of, as jackalopes move their ears extensively in nonverbal communication, which others have to try to replicate with arm or eyebrow movements. Only Fae have enough control over the movement of their ears to easily speak Texalian with a jackalope.


Yokai is the primary language of the Kitsune. It is also the only language spoken by the majority of undead and spirits in the Endless Frontier, as well as the language that any dead one communes with will use. The kitsune have a great deal of respect for their dead and their predecessors, and so adopted the language that these personages spoke as their own.