9/28/18 - More Archetypes
Post date: Sep 28, 2018 4:31:06 PM
Added the following archetypes to the Alchemist: Mindchemist, Vaultbreaker, Venenum, and War Chemist
Mindchemists focus on mutagens and abilities to enhance the mind, rather than the body
Vaultbreakers gain abilities to aid in infiltration, as well as blasting through doors and locks
Venena are master poisoners, sacrificing their bombs to create potent toxins
War Chemists are more martially-minded, combining alchemical items with weapon attacks
Additionally, Buckshot was modified so that each successive hit deals half as much damage as the previous one, scaling the damage to a maximum of 1.75x
Edited the Ninja's weapon proficiencies to be a bit more in line with expected weapon usage
Updated the site search function to search this site by default. You can still search d20pfsrd by selecting it in the drop-down