Feats and Skills
Combat feats are marked with an asterisk *.
Note on Betrayal Feats
In this setting, only one character needs to have a betrayal feat to gain its benefits, rather than it being possessed by both the betrayer and the betrayed. The victim of the betrayal feat has no say in the use of said feat.
Accelerated Singing
You learn to compose melodies more swiftly, building up a Crescendo even faster.
Prerequisite(s): 8th level Choir Mage.
Benefit: When you spend a move action concentrating on a Song you are currently singing, you gain two stacks of Crescendo instead of the usual one.
Amateur Gadgeteer
Though limited in experience, you have learned some of the secrets of gadget making.
Prerequisite(s): Craft (gizmo) 5 ranks.
Benefit: You gain the ability to create gadgets as a tinker. You gain a 1st and a 2nd level gadget slot. This does not grant proficiency with gadgets. You can take this ability more than once. Each time after the first, you gain one gadget slot at the next level up (e.g. a 3rd-level slot if you have only taken the feat once), to a maximum of 5th level.
Charging Flurry*
You learn to strike with furious speed at the end of your charge attacks.
Prerequisite(s): BAB +11
Benefit: When you Charge a creature as a full-round action, you can make an additional attack at your second-highest BAB against the target.
Cowboy's Wisdom
You can use the tricks you know more often.
Prerequisite(s):Ability to use Tricks of the Trade
Benefit: You can use your Tricks of the trade three extra times per day.
Craft Construct
You can create construct creatures like golems.
Prerequisite(s):5 ranks in each of Knowledge (Engineering) and any 3 relevant Crafting or Profession skills (e.g. Craft (weapons) or Profession (mechanic))
Benefit: You can create any construct whose prerequisites you meet. The act of building a construct takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its market price. To create a construct, you must use up raw materials costing half of its base price, plus the full cost of the basic body created for the construct. Each construct has a special section that summarizes its costs and other prerequisites. A newly created construct has average hit points for its Hit Dice.
Craft Ironflesh
You can create ironflesh, clockwork prosthetics that can replace limbs and muscles, and graft it onto a willing host.
Prerequisite(s):10 ranks in each of Knowledge (Engineering), Heal, and Craft (gizmo)
Benefit: You can create Ironflesh whose prerequisites you meet. You can graft it onto another person, but cannot perform this operation on yourself.
Craft Steel Trooper
You can build giants of steel to ride into battle.
Prerequisite(s): Craft Construct, 10 ranks in each of Knowledge (Engineering) and any 3 relevant Crafting or Profession skills (e.g. Craft (weapons) or Profession (mechanic))
Benefit: You can design and oversee the building of Steel Troopers. This does not grant the ability to pilot any particular ST.
Craft Technic Artifact
You can create technological creations of great power.
Prerequisite(s): 5 ranks each in Craft (gizmo) and Knowledge (Engineering)
Benefit: You can create Technic Artifacts.
Combat Expertise*
Experience has taught you to anticipate the ebb and flow of battle.
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: You gain a +1 insight bonus to CMB and CMD.
Special: At the start of your turn, you may choose to take a -2 penalty on damage rolls until the beginning of your next turn. If you do so, then the bonuses granted by this feat increase by +1. When your BAB reaches 5, and every 5 levels thereafter, the penalty increases by an additional -2, and the bonuses increase by an additional +1.
Combat Stamina*
Your training enables you to get the most out of your feats
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1, proficient in at least 1 martial weapon
Benefit: You gain a stamina pool equal to BAB+Con Mod. Once per round, after you make an attack roll, but before the results are revealed, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you gain a competence bonus on the attack roll equal to the number of stamina points you spent. If you miss with the attack, the stamina points you spent are still lost. You regain one point of stamina per hour while awake and active, and one point per ten minutes while meditating, sleeping, or otherwise completely at rest.
Special: In addition to the use above, you can spend your stamina points to extract more from your combat feats as detailed here.
Defiant Stand*
When you are badly injured, you swell with indignation and defiance, lashing out at those who would dare to harm you.
Prerequisite(s): Iron Will
Benefit: When you are severely bloodied, you gain a +1 morale bonus to Will saving throws and a +2 morale bonus to weapon damage rolls.
Defiant Stand, Improved*
Your fury at suffering injury is boundless and destructive
Prerequisite(s): Defiant Stand, BAB +6
Benefit: When you are severely bloodied, you can choose to take a penalty to your AC equal to half your BAB to gain a morale bonus to weapon damage rolls equal to double this penalty.
You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
You are particularly hard to kill
Prerequisite(s): Con 13, Toughness
Benefit: When your hit point total is below 0, but you are not dead, you automatically stabilize. You may choose to remain conscious. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn’t your turn). If you do not choose to remain conscious, you immediately fall unconscious.
When using this feat, you are staggered. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some swift actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If your negative hit points are equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you immediately die.
Discipline Expertise*
You have attained a high degree of proficiency in a martial discipline.
Prerequisite(s): Must have the Battle Artes class feature or equivalent
Benefit: Choose one of your known disciplines. Maneuvers you initiate from that discipline gain a +1 to their save DCs, if applicable.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, you must select a different discipline to apply the benefit to.
Discipline Mastery*
Your understanding of your chosen discipline is among the best in the world.
Prerequisite(s): Discipline Expertise in the chosen discipline, BAB +6 or higher
Benefit: Choose one of your known disciplines. When you initiate a strike or counter from this discipline that deals a number of dice of bonus damage, that maneuver deals an additional +1 damage for each die of bonus damage. For example, a maneuver that deals 4d6 bonus damage would now deal 4d6+4 bonus damage.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time, you must select a different discipline to apply the benefit to.
You are adept at reacting to multiple threats.
Prerequisite(s): Combat Reflexes
Benefit: When you take an immediate action during another creature's turn, it consumes an attack of opportunity, rather than your next swift action.
Extra Shaping Energy
You have trained your ability to shape the element you are attuned to.
Prerequisite(s): Must have the Shaping class feature
Benefit: Your pool of shaping energy increases by 2 points.
Extra Maneuver
You have studied your disciplines with great dedication.
Prerequisite(s): Must have the Battle Artes class feature or equivalent
Benefit: Your gain one additional maneuver known. This maneuver may be of any level available to you.
Extra Spell Known
You are more skilled in the magical arts than most.
Prerequisite(s): Reverend, Shugenja or Choir Mage of 5th level or higher
Benefit: You learn an additional spell known of any level you can cast. This feat can be taken up to four times, once every 5 levels.
Follower of MikGeever
Following in the footsteps of a legendary ancient master, you can prepare gadgets faster than most mortals.
Prerequisite(s): Ability to create Tinker gadgets, ten ranks in Craft (gizmo).
Benefit: Creating Tinker gadgets takes 5 minutes instead of 15. If you use parts worth twice as much sy, you can create the gadget in one round. You can destroy a gadget and get all parts back in 1 minute, or 50% of parts in 1 round.
Gadget Master
You can use gadgets with great prowess, extracting top performance from them.
Prerequisite(s): Proficient with Tinker gadgets, character level 10.
Benefit: When you use a Tinker gadget that has a variable roll-based effect, add 1 for each die rolled.
Gadget Proficiency*
Prerequisite(s): BAB +1
Benefit: You become proficient with Tinker gadgets.
Gunblade Specialist*
You can seamlessly weave melee and ranged attacks with hybrid weapons.
Prerequisite(s): Two-Weapon Fighting
Benefit: When wielding a gunblade or gunaxe, you can switch between the melee and ranged modes as a free action, rather than an immediate action, even if it isn't your turn. Additionally, you can use Two-Weapon Fighting feats with these weapons as though they were double weapons, treating the gun part as the off-hand weapon.
Heavy Weapon Proficiency*
Prerequisite(s): Proficiency with any firearm
Benefit: Select one heavy weapon. You become proficient with that weapon.
Improved Challenge*
You have honed your focus on dismantling your chosen foe.
Prerequisite(s): 5th level Samurai
Benefit: When you issue a Challenge to a target, you deal bonus damage equal to your full samurai level, instead of half.
Improved Smite*
You channel more of your goddess's might against your foe, striking it with unmatched fury.
Prerequisite(s): 5th level Reverend
Benefit: When you target a creature with Smite Foe, you deal bonus damage equal to your full reverend level, instead of half.
Last Stand*
When you are badly injured, you find a reserve of strength to keep pressing on.
Prerequisite(s): Diehard
Benefit: When you are severely bloodied, but above 0 hp, you gain DR 3/- that stacks with DR granted by armor, but not any other DR.
Special: You can take this feat up to once for every 6 character levels you have. Each time you do, the DR increases by 3/-.
Last Stand, Greater*
You are legendarily resilient, keeping your feet in even the darkest hour.
Prerequisite(s): Improved Last Stand, character level 11th
Benefit: You gain the benefits of Last Stand even when you are at or below 0 hp, but not dead. You are also no longer staggered while using the Diehard feat.
Last Stand, Improved*
Your reserve of resolve grows ever deeper.
Prerequisite(s): Con 15, Last Stand
Benefit: While you are benefiting from Last Stand, you gain Fast Healing 1.
Metamagic Expert
You are particularly skilled at casting altered spells.
Prerequisite(s): Caster level 7th
Benefit: When you apply metamagic feats to a spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, reduce the amount added by 1. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 1/2 caster level + Int mod, and cannot be used more than once per spell. If you prepare your spells in advance (like a bladesinger), you must use this feat at the time you prepare your daily spells. If you cast spontaneously (like a shugenja), you use this feat when you cast the spell.
Special: This counts as a metamagic feat for the purposes of bonus feat qualifications.
Palm Item
You are able to quickly bring scrolls, wands, and the like to hand.
Prerequisite(s): Dex 13
Benefit: As a swift or immediate action, you can draw a potion, scroll, wand, alchemical item, or any similarly shaped non-weapon item. The item must be retrievable as a move action normally (so an item stored in a bag of holding could not be used with this feat, but an item in a handy haversack could).
Powerful Draw
Your strength enables you to pull a bow much farther than most
Prerequisite(s): Str 15, Deadly Aim
Benefit: Add your Str mod to the damage you deal with any bow (not crossbows). This does not stack with the adaptive weapon special quality.
Rapid Gadgeteer*
You can modify your gadgets to use more quickly in combat.
Prerequisite(s): Dex 13, BAB 6 or Tinker level 5, Proficient with Tinker gadgets
Benefit: You can modify a gadget such that activating it is a move action, rather than a standard action. Modifying the gadget in this way costs 25 sy per level of the gadget. You need not be the original creator of the gadget.
Secure Kill (Teamwork, Betrayal)*
You keep an eye out for creatures that are about to die to a friendly blade, and act swiftly to take their lives first.
Prerequisite(s): Combat Reflexes
Benefit: When an ally other than you attacks a severely bloodied creature in your reach, you can spend an immediate action to make an attack of opportunity against the target of their attack. Your attack strikes the target first, and your ally cannot redirect their blow, meaning that if you kill the target, your ally's attack is wasted.
Special: You can use this feat with ranged weapons if you possess the Snap Shot feat.
You can store the soul of a recently deceased creature in a mechanical creation.
Prerequisite(s): Int 15, ability to create 5th-level gadgets or cast 4th-level spells
Benefit: By sacrificing a gadget slot of 5th level for one day (with the associated cost in sy) or a 4th-level spell slot and 300 sy, you can bind the soul of a creature that died in the last hour to a mechanical object. The object becomes alive for all purposes related to magic and other effects, while still retaining the qualities of an object. This does not allow the object to take actions it normally couldn't. For example, if a soul was placed in a music box, the music box could play itself and open up on its own, but not much else. In a golem, however, the soul would actually be able to act relatively normally. You must be the legitimate owner of the object (or acting on the owner's behalf) or the ability fails.
In the event that a creature is placed in a construct such as a golem that allows them to act comparatively normally, they retain their feats, class abilities, skill ranks, BAB, base saves, and mental ability scores, but use the attributes of the object for all other statistics.
Prerequisite(s): None
Benefit: You gain two character traits of your choice. These traits must be chosen from different lists, and cannot be chosen from lists from which you have already selected a character trait. You must meet any additional qualifications for the character traits you choose.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once. Each time, you gain two traits from lists you have not previously selected a trait from.
Weapon Finesse*
Prerequisite(s): None
Benefit: With any melee weapon that weighs up to two pounds per hand it is wielded in, you can use Dex instead of Str when calculating attack rolls. For example, you could use this feat in conjunction with dual-wielded bowies, or with a no-dachi wielded in both hands, but not with a one-handed warhammer.
Additionally, you may use Dex instead of Str for damage with such a weapon. If you do, it is precision damage, not multiplied on a critical hit.
Craft (Gizmo)
Used to create various small electromechanical devices with minor effects. The effect and cost of the item are up to the GM, but should never be as effective as a 1st-level gadget unless a great deal of time is spent on them. This could also be used to tweak technic artifacts to perform tasks similar to and of the same degree as their intended purpose (for example, making a water-purifying straw purify oil instead of water), with an appropriate investment of materials.
Knowledge (Arcana): DEPRECATED
Use Knowledge (Hymnos), Knowledge (Religion) or Knowledge (Engineering), depending on the topic. For identifying monsters, use Engineering for constructs, Dungeoneering for dragons, and Hymnos for magical beasts.
Knowledge (Hymnos)
Knowledge and understanding of the nature and language of magic. Used to identify magical beasts, covers magical traditions and symbols, can be used in place of Spellcraft to identify spells. Difficult to use in many instances without a knowledge of Celestial.