Special Materials
Typically used as an insulator in construction, this material can also be affixed to the inside of armor, providing resistance to the effects of extreme temperature and electricity. Light armor gains ER 5/cold,fire, and electric. Medium or heavy armor gains ER 10/cold, fire, and electric. Lining light armor costs 500 sy, and medium or heavy armor costs 1200 sy.
This material is useful for speeding up magic item creation. In nature, it occurs as a greenish substance with a buttery consistency. When spread over the surface of an object and flashed away with an alchemical torch capable of generating extreme heat (>1500 C), it temporarily enhances the object's ability to bind magical effects. When used in magic item creation, the time needed to create an object is reduced by 1 day for every ounce of Leviton used in its creation (up to a 50% reduction in time needed). Leviton is very expensive due to its rarity, however, costing from 100-500 sy per ounce, depending on local availability. It is also used as a component in high-end cosmetics, effectively smoothing over wrinkles for a few weeks per application.
This elastic substance has a myriad of useful applications. It is resistant to electrical and chemical effects. A creature wearing heavy boots (20 lb) made of rubber or standing on a 1-inch rubber mat is effectively immune to single-target electrical damage, unless it can be somehow connected to ground. Additionally, a creature wearing a 60 lb insulating suit of rubber is immune to electrical damage and halves the damage taken from all chemical sources (such as acid, alkaline, etc), although it is difficult to move in such a suit: the wearer's speed is halved, and he gains an ACP of 4 (in addition to any other ACP). Wearing the suit for more than an hour at a time causes fatigue, and wearing it for two hours or more causes exhaustion.
No other terrestrial metal is as strong as orichalconium. This substance is as hard as diamond, tough as adamantine, resilient as steel, and heavy as lead. Orichalconium has hardness 30 and 50 hp/inch. Armor made from this material has its base AC increased by 2, its check penalty increases by -1, its Dex to AC drops by 1, and its weight increases by 50%. Weapons (and ammo) made from this material ignore DR/adamantine and any hardness less than 30, have a +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls, a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls, and a 50% increase in weight. Orichalconium costs 200 sy per pound. DR bonuses are as follows:
Light Armor: DR 2/-
Medium Armor: DR 4/-
Heavy Armor: DR 6/-