Some cowboys practice the way of the sword, learning to use a katana alongside their trusty pistols, and following a code of honor all their own.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A bokudoken gains proficiency with katanas and with medium armor.
This adds to the cowboy's normal proficiencies.
Code of the West (Ex)
At 1st level, the bokudoken swears an oath to himself and the Goddesses. He must protect the lives and prosperity of the common folk, shielding them from the deprivations of those who would seek to cause them harm or exploit them. He must give charity when it is warranted and aid when needed. He must take no action that would cause harm or hardship to those who cannot defend themselves. A bokudoken who fails to live by this oath forfeits all benefits of this archetype, gaining nothing in return. If he repents, an Atonement spell cast on him will restore these abilities.
Whenever the bokudoken takes hit point damage from a melee or ranged attack while wearing medium armor, he can convert 1 point of lethal damage to 1 point of nonlethal damage. He can use this ability once each time he takes damage. At 4th level, and every three levels thereafter, the amount of damage the cowboy can convert increases by 1.
Juhado (Ex)
At 1st level, when a bokudoken uses two-weapon fighting while wielding a one-handed ranged weapon and a katana, he reduces the penalty to attack rolls by -1. The penalty is reduced again by -1 at 5th, 9th, and 13th levels, to a minimum of 0.
This ability replaces Lasso Aptitude.
Mounts (Ex)
A bokudoken only has one mount, selected at 1st level, and does not gain a string of mounts over time as a normal cowboy.
This ability modifies Mounts.
Sword and Pistol (Ex)
At 2nd level, a bokudoken gains the Sword and Pistol feat, regardless of whether he qualifies for it.
This ability replaces Track.
Challenge (Ex)
At 3rd level, a bokudoken can challenge a foe once per day, as the Samurai ability of the same name. He can use this ability an additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 3rd.
This ability replaces Favored Enemy.
Protect the Weak (Ex)
At 10th level, the bokudoken can move to intercept foes. As an immediate action during an enemies' movement, he can move up to his speed (or his mount’s speed, if mounted) and make a single melee attack. If the attack hits, the enemy cannot move any farther on this turn. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. The bokudoken must end his movement adjacent to an enemy. On his next turn, the cowboy is staggered and cannot use this ability again for 1 round.
This ability replaces the Favored Terrain normally gained at 10th level.
Juhado Mastery (Ex)
At 20th level, whenever the bokudoken makes a full two-weapon fighting attack with a one-handed ranged weapon and a katana, he uses his level in place of his BAB. Additionally, his movements are so efficient that the ranged weapon he is wielding is automatically reloaded at the beginning of every turn, so long as he has ammunition available.
This ability replaces Lasso Mastery.