Air Shaping
Air shapers specialize in becoming one with the wind, using it to augment their movement and attacks. Air shapers are swift and deadly, capable of both striking from afar and closing distance swiftly.
Air Shaping
At 1st level, the air shaper's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and he gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. He may use his Dex modifier in place of Str for calculating damage and attack rolls with his unarmed strikes. In addition, he gains a 5-foot enhancement bonus to his movement speed. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the damage of the shaman's unarmed strikes increases by +1 and the bonus to movement speed increases by +5.
By spending a point of shaping energy as a swift action, the shaman can float like a leaf on the wind; he gains a +10 circumstance bonus to acrobatics checks made to jump for one round, and may jump farther than his movement speed would normally allow. At 6th level, this ability can be used at-will with no cost
Additionally, the shaman can spend a point of shaping energy as a swift action to use his shaman level in place of BAB for his unarmed strikes; this benefit lasts for one minute. At 12th level, this ability can be used as a standard action at-will with no cost (or as a swift action with the usual cost).
Aerokinetic Barrier
At 2nd level, the air shaper can manifest a barrier of whipping air, forming the shape of a sphere around himself. This barrier imparts a +1 shield bonus against incoming ranged attacks. This applies to attacks that would normally target touch AC, though it does not apply against rays. The shield bonus increases by +1 at 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter.
Air Blast
At 4th level, the air shaper can spend a point of shaping energy as a standard action to fire a blast of compressed air at a target within Medium range. This blast is a ranged attack that deals 3d6+Con bludgeoning damage. For every 4 levels beyond 4th, the air shaper can fire an additional blast (to a maximum of 5 at 20th level). Additionally, at 10th level, this ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Aerial Evasion
At 6th level, the air shaper can partially deflect incoming attacks and stabilize his body with his control of air. Once per round, when targeted by an effect that allows a Reflex save, the air shaper can gain the effects of Evasion (per the Shugenja ability) against that effect. The shaman must be aware of the incoming threat to use this ability. At 12th level, he can gain the effects of Improved Evasion against the effect if he spends a point of shaping energy.
Air Shrouding
At 8th level, the air shaper chooses one of the following abilities. This choice is permanent and cannot be changed.
Air Bubble: The shaman can cast life bubble as a spell-like ability by spending two points of shaping energy.
Air Cushion: The shaman can spend a point of shaping energy as an immediate action to gain the effects of a glide spell until the next time he regains his shaping energy. This version of glide does not end when he touches the ground.
At 10th level, the air shaper can create a cyclone of dangerously powerful winds centered on himself as a standard action by expending a point of shaping energy. All creatures in 15 feet other than the shaper suffer 1d8 bludgeoning damage per 2 shaman levels, though a successful Reflex save halves this damage.
Air Shaping
At 12th level, a creature struck by the air shaper's air blast must succeed at a Fortitude save or become deaf for 1 minute as it is buffeted by a persistent wind. A caster who fails his save must make concentration checks to cast spells as though under the effects of violent weather while the deafness persists.
Penetrating Strikes
At 14th level, an air shaper's unarmed strikes ignore 5 points of DR.
Air Dominance
At 16th level, the air shaper learns one of the following abilities. This choice is permanent and cannot be changed.
Aerial Master: The air shaper can now cast the fly spell at will.
Vortex: The air shaper can whip the air in a 90 foot long, 5 foot wide line originating from himself into a frenzy. Creatures in the area take damage as though from the Cyclone ability. In addition, creatures that fail their Reflex save can be pushed up to 15 feet away from or pulled up to 15 feet toward the air shaper. All creatures that fail their saves must experience the same effect - either all are pushed, or all are pulled. This is a standard action that costs 1 point of shaping energy.
At 18th level, the air shaper can cast whirlwind as a spell-like ability by expending three points of shaping energy.
Soul of the Gale
At 20th level, the air shaper can cast winds of vengeance once per day as a spell-like ability. While under the effects of this spell, the damage die for the air shaper's unarmed strikes increases to 2d8.