Shock Trooper
Sometimes, a leader need finesse. Sometimes, they need panache. Sometimes, they need a hammer. That's the moment when a cadre of shock troopers is the perfect solution. Kitted out in heavy equipment, and trained in crashing through entrenched positions, shock troopers are uniquely suited for up-close-and-personal combat.
War Machine (Ex)
A shock trooper is proficient in all simple and martial melee and thrown weapons, all shotguns, all armor, and shields.
Shocktroopers gain one less skill point per level than usual.
Shocktroopers suffer the same movement speed penalty for heavy armor as for medium armor. At 7th level, the shocktrooper suffers no movement speed penalty for medium armor. At 13th level, the shocktrooper never suffers a movement speed penalty due to armor. Additionally, the armor check penalty of any armor a shocktrooper wears is reduced by 1 per 5 shocktrooper levels.
Smashing Grace (Ex)
At 3rd level, a shock trooper can wield and load a shotgun one-handed while wielding a shield in his off-hand, and may use his Strength for attack rolls with shotguns and thrown weapons.
Charger (Ex)
At third level, and every 5 levels thereafter, a shocktrooper's base speed increases by 5 ft.
Smash Gunner (Ex)
At 7th level, the shock trooper may make a full attack using a shotgun, melee weapon, or thrown weapon at the end of a charge. Effects that grant extra attacks on a full attack action (such as haste and Rapid Shot) do not apply to this attack.
Gatecrasher (Ex)
At 11th level, the shock trooper ignores the first 20 points of hardness when making a sunder attempt at the end of a charge.
Leaping Smash (Ex)
At 15th level, as a full-round action, the shock trooper can leap through the air a distance up to his charging speed. When he lands, he smashes the ground, sundering it in a 20-foot radius. All creatures in the area take 5d6+Str mod damage and, if less than 2 sizes larger than the shock trooper, must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 level+Str) or be knocked flying directly away from the shocktrooper to the outer edge of the radius (25 ft away), landing prone. Creatures that fail their save take an additional 5d6+Str mod damage.This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the shock trooper's Con mod.
Level the Field (Ex)
At 19th level, as a full-round action, the shock trooper can charge in a straight line, making an overrun attempt against every enemy in his path. He may change direction once during this movement (90 degrees or less), and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Enemies he fails to overrun do not halt this charge; they are simply bypassed. The shock trooper may make a free attack with a shield bash, shotgun, or thrown weapon against each enemy he successfully overruns with this movement. Creatures normally immune to being knocked prone are affected by this ability.This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the shock trooper's Con mod.