Tactical Actions

Cautious Combat: Your army fights cautiously in order to maintain morale. Decrease attack rolls by 2, and add 2 to all Morale checks.

Cavalry Charge: Your army’s melee attack rolls increase by 2 against armies that aren’t mounted. The army must have the Mounts gear to use this tactic.

Defensive Wall: Your army fights defensively, taking actions to protect fellow units as needed. Decrease its attack rolls by 2, and increase its AC by 2.

Dirty Fighting: Your army uses trickery and unfair tactics to gain an advantage at the start of a battle. For one Melee phase this battle, gains a +6 to its attack rolls. (After that Melee phase, the opposing armies know to be ready for such tricks.)

Expert Flanking: Your army is skilled at surrounding the foe and distracting them, at the cost of spreading out too much and being more vulnerable. Increase its attack rolls by 2, and decrease its AC by 2.

False Retreat: Once per battle, during the Melee phase, your army can make a false retreat, luring a target enemy army deeper into your territory. On the next Maneuver phase your army makes a false retreat, targeting an enemy army and then moving as normal. The enemy army must pursue as directly as possible. Both of these movements ignore the Engaged condition. On the next Melee phase, increase the army's attack rolls and AC by 4 against the targeted army.

Frenzied Assault: Your army throws caution to the wind and attacks with savage and gory vigor. Increase its attack rolls by 4, and decrease its AC by 4.

Full Defense: Your army focuses on total defense of the battlefield. Increase its AC by 4, and decrease its attack rolls by 4.

Skirmish: Your army strikes at range and fades back. It gains a +2 to ranged attacks and to Maneuver checks to avoid Engagements, but takes -2 to melee attacks and AC. 

Sniper Support: Your army holds some ranged units in reserve to attack a target enemy army during the Melee phase. If your army damages the target army in the Melee phase, it deals 2 additional points of damage from these ranged attacks. The army must have ranged attacks to use this tactic. The army must have at least one Shot remaining, though this tactical action does not consume any Shots.

Spellbreak: Your army has specialists who can disrupt enemy spellcasting. Increase its AC by 4 against armies that have a Casting ability (such as Battle Casting).

Standard*: Your army’s attacks have no additional modifiers to its attacks, AC, or damage. This is the default tactical action that all armies use if no other is selected.

Taunt: Your army is skilled at taunting its opponents, provoking stupid mistakes and overconfidence in battle. The target army must attempt a Morale check against your army's Morale DC at the start of each Melee or Ranged phase; failure means it reduces its attack rolls and AC against your army by 2 for that phase. If the target army succeeds at two of these Morale checks, it’s immune to this tactic for the remainder of the battle.