08/31/18 - Summoner Rework and Cowboy Updates
Post date: Aug 31, 2018 9:41:59 PM
Summoners now are built around a custom eidolon.
Updated the summoner class to use an eidolon custom built by the player, rather than using randomly determined outsiders
Increased spells per day at all class levels except 1st.
Expanded weapon proficiency options
Updated alternative favored class bonuses
Replaced several abilities with abilities more in line with using a dedicated eidolon
Added the ability to summon monsters as though via Summon Monster I-IX
Granted access to Greater Planar Binding and Gate at very high levels.
Added background skills to the character creation guidelines.
Added the Brawler archetype to the Cowboy
Added the Trick of the Trade Lazy Eye to the Cowboy