Death Domain
You can cause the living to bleed at a touch, and find comfort in the presence of the dead. What an edgelord.
Granted Powers
Bleeding Touch (Sp): As a melee touch attack, you can cause a living creature to take 1d6 points of bleed damage per round. This effect persists for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1) or until stopped with a DC 15 Heal check or any spell or effect that heals damage.
Death’s Embrace (Ex): At 8th level, you heal damage instead of taking damage from channeled negative energy. If the channeled negative energy targets undead, you heal hit points just like undead in the area. When you channel negative energy to heal undead, it heals for 50% more.
Domain Spells: 1st—cause fear, 2nd—death knell, 3rd—animate dead, 4th—death ward, 5th—slay living, 6th—create undead, 7th—destruction, 8th—create greater undead, 9th—wail of the banshee.
Subdomains replace certain elements of their parent domain. You may choose one subdomain when selecting a given domain.
Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the death’s embrace power of the Death domain.
Touch of Virulence (Su): As a melee touch attack, you can touch a diseased creature and exacerbate its condition. If it fails a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier), then any remaining onset time for diseases affecting it ends, and the creature takes damage as though it had failed its Fortitude save against the disease. If the Fort DC above is higher than the normal DC for the disease, then it replaces that DC for all subsequent checks to recover from or remove the disease. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, plus one additional time per day at 14th level and 20th level.
Replacement Domain Spells: 1st—itching curse, 3rd—contagion, 6th—plague storm.
Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the bleeding touch power of the Death domain.
Death’s Kiss (Su): You can cause a creature to take on some of the traits of the undead with a melee touch attack. Touched creatures are damaged by positive energy and healed by negative energy. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). It does not apply to the Turn Undead or Command Undead feats.
Replacement Domain Spells: 2nd—ghoul touch, 4th—wall of bone, 9th—energy drain.