Mulespawn Lords and Ladies
Several of Old Scratch's offspring have risen to the fore, their power little less than his own. Yet their loyalty to him is fierce and unwavering, the bonds of family holding them together through even the sharpest disagreements.
Also known as the Waylayer of Souls to those who revere him, Burron is a dark entity, half-mule and half-pit fiend, who feeds on souls making their way to the afterlife. After a person dies, their soul must travel the Gauntlet of Justification along the River Styx, determining how well they followed their Goddesses' teachings in life. Burron breaks into these trials, snatching helpless spirits and devouring them to bolster his own evil might. Powerful souls are especially tempting to the hungry mulespawn lord.
He is followed by those who would gain power by sacrificing those around themselves, and he grants his aid in their endeavors, as their worship marks the souls of their victims, making it easier to break into their Gauntlet and devour them.
His symbol is a humanoid skull with coins over the eyes; a mockery of the ancient tales of the afterlife once told among mortals. He is NE, and his domains are death, evil, magic, and rune. His favored weapons are natural weapons and staves.
Gyronneigh preys on those shunned by society: disfigured prostitutes, wives caught in adultery, or pregnant teenagers disowned by their parents. Priestesses are renowned for their ability to foster hatred and turn friend against friend, but are not above simply killing someone in cold blood if it betters suits their purpose. Her priestesses are also known to swap young babies for monstrous creatures, or to convert healthy young into dangerous, lethal infiltrators.
The priesthood itself has no canon or book of scripture, or temples; instead, they favor small shrines of simple piled stones. Some of these piles have cat's-eye gemstones on top or a painted representation of one, from which (it is rumored) Gyronneigh, herself, may peer and curse defilers of the shrine.
Her symbol resembles a mule's head with a single, all-seeing eye, and eye imagery is common in her followers. She is CE, and her domains are chaos, destruction, evil, and madness. Her favored weapons are natural weapons and punch daggers.