Earth Shaping
Earth shapers master dirt and rock, using it both to shield themselves and to strike their foes. Less adept at dealing damage than other shapers, earth shapers focus on defense and battlefield control.
Earth Shaping
At 1st level, the earth shaper can fling shards of earth and stone at his foes as an attack action. This acts as a boomerang in all ways, save that the shaman adds his Con modifier to damage, rather than his Str.
By spending a point of shaping energy as a swift action, the shaman can gain the ability to manipulate loose earth in Close range for 1 minute. As a move action he can move up to a 5-foot cube of dirt or sand 20 feet. At 10th level, this ability can also affect stone. Material moved in this way typically doesn't have enough energy to be dangerous to a non-helpless creature. At 6th level, this ability can be used at-will with no cost
Additionally, the shaman can spend a point of shaping energy as a standard action to cause a wall of earth and rock to erupt from the earth within 30 feet of him.This wall is 5 feet square and 1 in/lvl in thickness. It has hardness 8 and 5 hp/in, and offers cover to anyone behind it. The wall is permanent unless destroyed. At 12th level, this ability can be used at-will with no cost.
Geokinetic Barrier
At 2nd level, the earth shaper can encase himself in rock and earth, protecting himself from harm, but not restricting his movement. This barrier imparts a +1 enhancement bonus to natural armor and CMD. The bonuses increases by +1 at 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter. The barrier's duration increases to 5 minutes at 12th level.
Bouncing Shot
At 4th level, the earth shaper can make his stone shards richochet to different targets. As a standard action, he spends a point of shaping energy and flings a shard of earth at a foe. If it hits, the shard bounces to another target in one range increment, with a -1 penalty to the attack roll. It continues to bounce, with a cumulative -1 penalty each time, until it misses a target. The shard can hit the same target multiple times, but not the same target twice in a row.
Bonds of the Earth
At 6th level, when the earth shaper's geokinetic barrier is up, he may choose to bind slightly to the ground if it is made of earth or stone. This grants him immunity to trip, bull rush, knockdown, and knockback effects, as well as negating any attack bonuses due to charging at him. In exchange, his movement speed is reduced by 10 feet.
Earth Melding
At 8th level, the earth shaper chooses one of the following abilities. This choice is permanent and cannot be changed.
Earth Glide: The shaman gains a burrow speed of 20 feet while his geokinetic barrier is active.
Jagged Flesh: While the shaman's geokinetic barrier is active, enemies that strike him with natural or non-reach melee weapons suffer 1d6 piecing damage from jagged protrusions on the surface. The damage increases by 1d6 for every 4 levels beyond 8th.
Stone Spike
At 10th level, the shaman can extend a long, sharp spike of stone, impaling multiple foes. Make a single attack roll against each creature or object in a 30-foot line, starting with the closest target. If the result is a critical threat, roll to confirm against only the first target you hit. Calculate damage against each target you hit, starting from the closest. The spike deals (1d6+1) damage per 2 shaman levels. If your attack hits a target but fails to deal physical damage to that target, the spike fails to penetrate and doesn’t continue past it. A stone spike can penetrate solid barriers, but it must deal enough damage to destroy the barrier in order to continue through.
Armor Penetration
At 12th level, when the shaman targets a creature with any of his earth shaping abilities that call for an attack roll, he penetrates the first 3 points of armor or natural armor the target has. This penetration increases by 1 for every 4 shaman levels beyond 12th.
Metallic Strikes
At 14th level, when the shaman targets a creature with any of his earth shaping abilities that call for an attack roll, he can form the attack from adamantine, cold iron, or silver, instead of earth. This enables the attack to pierce DR of these types. If the element is not naturally present, he will need to have his own supply (approximately 1 pound).
Earth Dominance
At 16th level, the air shaper learns one of the following abilities. This choice is permanent and cannot be changed.
One with the Earth: The earth shaper has permanent tremorsense in a 30-ft radius when standing on a surface primarily formed of earth, stone, or metal.
Rip from the Ground: The earth shaper can spend two points of shaping energy as a standard action to rip creatures and objects from the ground. He strikes the ground at his feet, causing a shockwave to ripple through the earth in a 60-foot radius centered on him. Each creature or object that is wholly or partly underground (such as trees, worms, and building foundations) suffers bludgeoning damage equal to his Stone Spike damage (Fort 1/2). Creatures in the area of effect that fail their save are dragged up to the surface by the rebounding shockwave.
At 18th level, the earth shaper can cast earthquake as a spell-like ability by expending two points of shaping energy.
Heart of Stone
At 20th level, the earth shaper can become an avatar of the earth itself. He rips up stone, earth, and metal from the surrounding terrain, shaping and animating it into a veritable battlesuit. In this form, the shaman gains DR 15/adamantine, becomes immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect physiology or respiration. He also takes only half damage from acid and fire. Additionally, his size increases by 1 step, improving his damage die and granting a +2 size bonus to Strength (no penalties from this size change). This overrides other effects that increase size. This ability may be used in conjunction with Geokinetic Barrier.