02/25/19 - New class and Primary Attributes

Post date: Feb 25, 2019 9:45:30 PM

    • Added the Haemotheurge class

      • These casters can call forth the mightiest spells, but must sacrifice their own blood to do so. They combine their own blood with that of a magical entity to harness their powers.

    • Added a Primary Attributes line to each class (right after the class skills). This line provides suggested attributes to focus on for the class.

    • Added 4 archetypes to the Haemotheurge class: Chronomancer, Exploiter, Preceptor, and Scholar.

      • Chronomancers learn to subtly manipulate the flow of time, instead of the powers their blood would normally grant them

      • Exploiters spend little time mastering the power of their bloodline, and instead focus on learning unique magical techniques

      • Preceptors devote much of their time to training novice haemotheurges, and gain an apprentice who serves and trains under them. Careless preceptors who let their apprentices die will find it increasingly difficult to attract new apprentices.

      • Scholars focus on a single school of magic to the exclusion of others, gaining unique powers and additional bonus spells in exchange for a lessened ability to cast spells of certain other schools.