Army Classes
Consumption: 2
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Bombs - alchemist armies gain a Bomb ranged attack with range 1 and 1 shot plus 1 per 5 ACR. This attack deals 1d4 bonus damage on a successful hit.
Battle Sages
Consumption: 1
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Tactical Experts - battle sage armies learn one free Tactical Action of choice when created.
Consumption: 2
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Battle Casting - bladesinger armies increase their AC and melee attack values by the highest-level spell they can cast based on the unit's Level.
Bounty Hunters
Consumption: 1
HP per ACR: 6
Special Ability: Sharpshooting - a bounty hunter unit with ranged weapons gains +1 range, to a maximum of 3.
Choir Magi
Consumption: 3
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Choral Inspiration - choir magus armies improve the attack rolls of all adjacent friendly armies by +1.
Consumption: 2
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Mounts - cowboy armies gain the service of loyal steeds, gaining the Mounts Army Gear. In addition, they gain +1 to Maneuver.
Consumption: 2
HP per ACR: 6
Special Ability: Gunslinging - gunslinger armies get the Ranged (1) Army Gear with 2 shots. They also gain a +1 to their ranged attack value.
Consumption: 3
HP per ACR: 4
Special Ability: Power Casting - haemotheurge armies gain a Spells ranged attack with range 3 and 1 shot plus 1 per 5 ACR. They suffer 2 damage each time they use this attack.
Consumption: 2
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Ninjutsu- ninja armies never need to roll to disengage or avoid being engaged. When another army attempts to disengage or avoid engaging a ninja army, it must roll twice and take the worse result.Â
Consumption: 1
HP per ACR: 7
Special Ability: Intimidating Fury - psychochemist armies inflict -1 morale each time they damage an army in melee. Psychochemist armies cannot make ranged attacks.
Consumption: 2
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Damnation - reverend armies can mark a hostile army for judgement, granting a +1 bonus to all attacks made agaisnt that army.
Consumption: 1
HP per ACR: 6
Special Ability: Bushido - samurai armies deal +1 bonus damage with melee attacks, plus 1 per 6 ACR.
Consumption: 2
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Landshaping- shaman armies can alter the land around them; during the Ranged Phase, they can make one adjacent square into difficult terrain, or remove difficult terrain if it is there already. This ability is used in place of making a ranged attack, if applicable.
Consumption: 3
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Channeling - shugenja armies are adept at healing. They gain 1 healing potion, plus 1 per 6 ACR (see Army Gear) for free at the start of a battle. They can use healing potions on themselves or on adjacent armies. These potions are lost at the end of combat. Shugenja armies can exceed the normal max of 3 potions.
Consumption: 0
HP per ACR: 6
Special Ability: Discipline - soldier armies don't lose Morale as a result of damage during the Resolution Phase of mass combat. Soldiers cost 25% less to train after being leveed (see Enhancing Armies).
Consumption: 4
HP per ACR: 5
Special Ability: Eidolon Horde - summoner armies can create an army of eidolons in an adjacent square once per battle during the Ranged Phase (in place of making a ranged attack). This army has all the stats of the summoner army, except the HP are halved and the Morale is 0. If the eidolon horde is destroyed or routed, there are no penalties suffered by the kingdom and no cost needs to be paid to reform them.
Consumption: 3
HP per ACR: 4
Special Ability: Gadgets- tinker armies have access to a wide array of useful gadgets with differing properties. Once per mass combat, plus 1 time per 5 ACR, a tinker army can choose to roll twice on any check and take the better result.