Qog are tough and smart, thanks to their electromechanical nature. Qog were originally created by humans about 150 years ago based on ancient, poorly-understood designs, and recognized as sapient shortly thereafter. They tend to congregate in human society and often make up a rather sizable proportion of the population. Qog are quite varied in terms of size and appearance, and often modify their physical appearance over the course of their lives. New qog are built by their parents and imbued with a personality generated by a random seed function. They are functionally immortal, provided they take reasonable care of themselves. They range from 4-8 feet tall and weigh 100-750 lb.
Base Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Qog are strong and their engines confer extensive intelligence, but lack human empathy. They gain a +2 to Strength, +2 Intelligence, and -2 Charisma.
Size: Qog are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Qog are Half-Constructs, granting them resistances as below (Defensive Racial Traits).
Base Speed: Qog have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Qog begin play speaking Ippan and Calculan.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Master Tinker: Qog gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks, and these are always class skills for Qog.
Defensive Racial Traits
Half-Construct Resistances: Qog receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, death effects, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue. They are immune to aging effects and do not age naturally.
Half-Construct Survival: Qog do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. This means that they can drink potions to benefit from their effects and can sleep in order to regain spells, but neither of these activities is required for them to survive or stay in good health. They are also immune to the effects of heat and cold in natural environments.
Programmed Reflexes: Qog gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC.
Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision 60 ft: Qog can see in total darkness up to 60 feet. Additionally, they treat magical darkness as mundane darkness for the purposes of this ability.
A Qog military officer, schmoozing it up in an aristocratic setting while his tin heart longs for war.
Qog in Society
Qog are found throughout the Endless Frontier, and generally integrate reasonably well into other societies. They have extensive mirroring functions, and tend to take on the customs of the place they live in, colored by their innate personality matrix. Societies composed primarily of Qog tend to be highly regimented, naturally preferring to organize their civilization into units of 8 - a country with 8 states, each with 8 satraps, each containing 8 counties, etc. Advancement in such societies is wholly determined by capability, as qog can accurately evaluate their capabilities against one another and choose the best objective candidate.
Some evidence suggests that a qog's personality matrix is malleable over time, which has led to a degree of dissent in qog philosophical circles. The Eternalist philosophy holds that if a qog is slain, they can be reborn by simply creating a new qog with the exact same initial personality matrix - i.e. that the same code yields the same qog. Meanwhile, the Reversionists claim that this second qog would be a different individual from the first, with a different soul brought about by alterations in the matrix. While Eternalists hold that this is simply a result of mirroring functions doing their job as normal and can be ignored, Reversionists see these changes as more unpredictable and therefore of critical import. At this point in time, there is no hard evidence to support either side.