Tower Administrator
Tower administrators are normally created by the tower that they hold sway over. However, in rare instances, a sentient being may take command of the tower. They then gain this class, which overwrites any other class levels they have. Most Tower Administrators are at least 15th level (and in fact, the naturally-made ones are 20th level), but the full table is included for completeness.
CR Adjustment: 0
Role: Tower administrators control access to the functions of their Ar Tonelico, and can cast a variety of potent spells.
Alignment: Natural administrators are any non-evil, while a hijacking administrator may be of any alignment.
Hit Die: d8
Class Skills
All skills are class skills for a Tower Administrator
Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Metafalica, administrator of Tonelico Metafalica, wearing ceremonial armor with vaguely fox-like qualities.
Class Features
The following are the class features of the Tower Administrator.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A Tower Administrator is proficient in simple weapons, light and medium armor, and shields. She also learns all languages spoken within the area of her Tower's control as bonus languages.
Defenses (Ex)
Tower Administrators are immune to poison, mind-affecting effects, sonic effects, teleportation effects, deafness, and silence. They innately resist all other types of energy, gaining energy resistance 10 against those types. They additionally gain DR10/[one opposing alignment]. However, they are weak to energy types that oppose their alignment on at least one axis (so a LN Tower Administrator would take increased damage from a chaos hammer spell, for example. A Tower Administrator has blindsense over the entire area her tower covers, and blindsight and x-ray vision within the tower itself. True Neutral administrators gain DR5/- and have no weakness.
Should the Tower Administrator ever leave the area of her Tower's influence, she immediately dies and cannot be resurrected in any way, as her soul is destroyed.
Administrative Magic
A Tower Administrator casts spells drawn from any spell list. She can cast any spell she knows at any time without preparing it ahead of time, by taking the action required by the spell.
To learn or cast a spell, a Tower Administrator must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Tower Administrator's spell is 10 + the spell level + the Tower Administrator’s Charisma modifier.
A Tower Administrator casts spells by expending spell points. She gains 10 spell points per Tower Administrator level. To cast a spell, she expends a number of spell points equal to the spell's level, including metamagic. The highest level spell a Tower Administrator can cast is based on her level, as detailed in the Max Spell Level column.
A Tower Administrator's selection of spells is somewhat limited, as they are stored locally in her mind. A Tower Administrator begins play knowing two 1st-level spells of the Tower Administrator’s choice. At each new Tower Administrator level, she gains one new spell of the highest level she can cast. She knows an additional number of spells equal to her Cha mod. These spells can be of any level she can cast.
Once per day, the Tower Administrator can take a move action to change out the spells she knows. She can swap out as many of her spells as she likes for ones of equal level (excepting bonus spells from Charisma, which may be of any level).
Crescendo (Su)
A Tower Administrator uses the power of her voice to aid her allies in combat, but not to cast spells. She gains a number of points of Crescendo equal to 3 x Tower Administrator level. Spent points are regained after a night's rest.
These are expended by starting a Song, of which a Tower Administrator may know several (see New Song). Starting a Song is a swift move action that consumes one point of Crescendo, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a Song from one effect to another requires the Tower Administrator to stop the previous performance and start a new one as a standard action. A Song cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the Tower Administrator is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A Tower Administrator cannot have more than one Song in effect at one time.
At 7th level, a Tower Administrator can start a Song as a swift action instead of a move action.
When the Tower Administrator starts her song, and each round the Song is maintained as a free action, the Tower Administrator consumes one point of Crescendo, stacking up to twice her Max Spell Level. If a move action is spent focusing on the Song, an additional stack can be generated. Once her limit has been reached, the Tower Administrator must Purge the Song (using the Purge effect) or stop the Song. She may stop before the limit is reached.
When a Tower Administrator is singing with Crescendo, her Song can feature many voices and instruments, as though she were using the ghost sound cantrip, except that the sound originates from her. At 12th level, she can use this ability every time she attempts a Performance(sing) check, not just when using Crescendo.
New Song (Su)
At 1st level, 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the Tower Administrator learns a new song from the Choir Mage Song List sub-page. Some songs are intended to bolster allies, while others debilitate or injure foes. The Save DC for any Song effect is 10+1/2 Tower Administrator level+Cha mod. Songs are always sung in Celestial. The subject must be able to hear the Song.
Each Song has a Purge effect and a Flipsphere effect listed for it. The purge effect may be used to end a song. At level 14, the Flipsphere effect is unlocked for the Song, amplifying the purge effect when Crescendo is fully charged.
Counterspell (Su)
As an immediate action, the Tower Administrator may attempt to counter any spell being cast within the effective area of her Tower. This is a contested caster level check against the caster of the spell she is countering. The Tower Administrator gains a bonus on this check equal to her Tower Administrator level (effectively using double her caster level). This can be used once per day at 1st level, twice at 3rd level, and one additional time per 3 levels beyond 3rd.
Energy Field (Su)
The Tower Administrator is continually surrounded by a protective field of energy, gaining temporary HP equal to 10+5/2 Tower Administrator levels beyond 1st. This temporary HP regenerates at the start of the Tower Administrator's turn. It does not block non-harmful effects, but blocks damage without fail. While the energy field is up, the Tower Administrator does not benefit from DR, but cannot suffer sneak attacks or critical hits.
Spirit Guardian (Su)
The Tower Administrator bonds to an extraplanar being (any non-native outsider) that matches her alignment. The being may have a CR up to the Tower Administrator's level. At each level, the Tower Administrator may replace her Spirit Guardian with a different one.
Accessed Knowledge (Ex)
At 2nd level, the Tower Administrator automatically succeeds at Knowledge checks, so long as the information is stored within the mind of any caster in the area of her Tower, or within the Tower itself.
Deny Access (Su)
At 4th level, as a standard action, the Tower Administrator can deny access to the Song Server to any creature in the Tower's area. This effectively prevents the subject from casting any spells. The creature may make a Will save each round to attempt to regain access, with a DC of 15+1/2 Tower Administrator level+ Cha mod. The Administrator may use this ability once per day at 4th level, and one additional time for every 3 levels beyond 4th. At 13th level, this ability becomes a move action.
Perfect Avoidance (Ex)
At 8th level, whenever a Tower Administrator succeeds on any save that has a partial effect on a success, she instead suffers no effects.
Powerful Singer (Ex)
At 11th level, whenever a Tower Administrator spends a free action maintaining a Song or starts a new Song, she can add two Crescendo stacks, rather than the usual one.
Flipsphere Purge (Su)
At 14th level, the Tower Administrator unlocks additional power within her Songs. She can now use the Flipsphere effect listed for a Song when purging it. Using the Flipsphere effect requires the Crescendo stacks to be maximized, and consumes all of them. The Save DC, if any, for a Purge effect is equal to the Song save DC.
Sever Link (Su)
At 17th level, the Tower Administrator can spend a full-round action to permanently cut a creature off from the benefits of her tower. She must be able to sense the creature. She can also spend full-round action to restore the link to any creature for whom it has been broken. The subject can attempt a Will save (DC 25+Cha mod) to reduce the duration to 1 round.
Control Access (Su)
At 20th level, the Tower Administrator can manipulate the access level (and thereby the class level) of any caster in the area of her Tower as a full-round action. She can set this to any value from 1-20 for every casting class the creature possesses. This does not affect beings that cast spell from their own power or that of another entity (such as a demon lord's servant). Excessive use of this ability can cause errors in the Song Server, however - each time this ability is used, there's a 1% chance that something undesired happens, such as level loss, inverted effects, or affecting the wrong creature(s). In extreme cases, this could lead to a Song Server crash, which would completely disable the Tower for up to a month and reset the access level of all casters in the area to a random value.