Phantom Thief
Also known as gentleman thieves or lady thieves, phantom thieves don’t focus their arts in assassination like other ninja. Instead, they typically come from the ranks of the elite, having grown bored with their finery, and seek thrills from acts of daring, skill, and crime. Phantom thieves often perform acts such as breaking into a secure vault for the thrill, leaving a calling card when they rob the place.
Refined Education (Ex)
A phantom thief adds Handle Animal, Heal, Ride, Survival, and all Knowledge skills to her list of class skills. Furthermore, she selects one of her ninja class skills and adds half her ninja level on all skill checks using that skill. At 5th level and every 4 ninja levels thereafter, she selects an additional ninja class skill and adds half her ninja level on all skill checks using that skill as well.
A phantom thief cannot have a Lawful alignment.
This ability alters the ninja's class skills and replaces the sneak attack bonuses gained at 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
A phantom thief is proficient in one-handed melee weapons and one-handed firearms, as well as in light armor and bucklers.
This replaces the ninja's usual proficiencies.
Persona (Ex)
At first level, the phantom thief gains a unique persona, separate from her everyday identity. The persona typically has a strange, unique costume associated with it that masks their identity. She maintains this persona whenever she is engaged in unsavory activities. It typically takes one minute to equip or unequip a persona, though later abilities may reduce the time it takes.
While in her persona, the phantom thief gains a +10 circumstance bonus to disguise checks, and a +10 circumstance bonus on saving throws against divination effects. Against divination effects that do not normally grant a saving throw, she can still attempt a save if relevant, though she doesn't get the +10 bonus.
Additionally, this persona has Renown, as the Diva ability. The phantom thief can only benefit from her renown while in her persona. However, being in her persona also poses challenges, as it is often known to law enforcement and to other criminals she has crossed.
This ability replaces Nimble.
Calling Card (Ex)
At first level, a phantom thief develops a calling card with a unique design. Whenever she leaves one in a conspicuous location where she knows it will taunt a target after a theft or kill (such as in the lair of a dragon she stole from, or on the body of a mid-level crime boss), she gains a temporary hero point that lasts for 24 hours. She can spend or burn this point as normal. She can only have one temporary hero point from this ability at a time.
This ability replaces poison use.
Jack of All Trades (Ex)
A phantom thief’s broad studies with expensive tutors keep her up to speed in both martial and magical knowledge, as well as in her skills. She cannot gain Ninja Tricks or Master Ninja Tricks - instead, she gains access to Rogue Talents and Advance Rogue Talents.
She can select the combat trick, minor magic, and major magic rogue talents as many times as she likes, and she can select the Skill Focus feat as a rogue talent, also as many times as she likes. Finally, she can select a vigilante social talent instead of a rogue talent. For the purpose of vigilante social talents, a phantom thief's persona is her vigilante identity.
This ability replaces Ninja Tricks and Master Ninja Tricks.
Derring-Do (Ex)
At 2nd level, the phantom thief gains the ability to fight in a more flashy manner. Choose a 1st-level deed from the swashbuckler’s deeds class feature. Once chosen, this deed can’t be changed.
At the start of each day, you gain panache points equal to half Cha mod (rounded up, min 1). Throughout the day, you can gain a number of panache points up to a maximum of your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You can regain panache points as the swashbuckler’s panache class feature. You can spend these panache points to perform the 1st-level deed you chose upon taking this feat as well as any other deeds you have gained through feats or magic items.
At 4th level, the phantom thief gains a 3rd-level swashbuckler deed, excepting Precise Strike. He cannot gain Precise Strike through any other means.
At 8th level, the phantom thief gains a 7th-level swashbuckler deed.
This ability replaces ki pool, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge.
Elegant Warrior
At 3rd level, the phantom thief learns a vigilante talent. She learns an additional vigilante talent at 7th level, and every 4 levels thereafter. The phantom thief cannot use these talents unless she is in her persona.
This ability replaces the sneak attacks gained at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels.
Persona Strike (Ex)
At 6th level, a phantom thief becomes more skilled in combat while in her persona. When she makes an attack with a one-handed melee weapon or firearm, she deals bonus damage equal to half her level. She only deals this bonus damage while in her persona.
This ability replaces light steps.
Master of All (Ex)
At 20th level, a phantom thief can reroll any skill check for a class skill in which she is trained. She must take the second result, even if it is worse.
She can use this ability no more than once per minute.
This ability replaces hidden master.