07/05/19 - Class Changes
Post date: Jul 5, 2019 5:49:59 PM
Updated the Summoner to have 6-level spellcasting, instead of 4-level.
The summoner received little interest and felt anemic overall, due to the 3/4 BAB and 4-level spell list.
Now, the summoner will have fewer low-level spell slots, but will be able to cast higher-level spells.
The Summoner still does not have access to Cantrips.
Added features to the Cowboy
The Cowboy was originally based off of the Core Ranger. However, with the reduced BAB, the Mounts ability and Lasso Aptitude were inadequate to make up the difference for a martial class, and it was performing poorly.
Gave the Cowboy one additional bonus feat at level 1, and added the Gunhand feature. Gunhand grants the cowboy a small grit pool, and access to a few Gunslinger deeds. In exchange, the bonus feats can now only be selected from among Combat, Grit, and Teamwork feats.
These changes should make the Cowboy more versatile without being more directly powerful, keeping the utility focus of the class in mind.