Centaurs are large, proud creatures, genetically engineered in millenia past to thrive on the plains of Kaia. Though they have lost much of their civilization, they maintain the working relics with a religious zeal, offering up prayers and offerings to the machines and weapons they possess from the olden days, treating them with the greatest regard, and extend this respect to any machine they encounter. They are innately strong and wise, though their partly animal genes render them less adept at linear thought. Centaurs live up to 50 years, and are considered to be adults at 16. They reach middle age at 25, old age at 35, and venerable age at 45. The average centaur, male or female, is 8'2" tall, with a similar length, and weighs 1100 lb, though many are significantly larger or smaller.
Base Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Centaurs are strong and wise, though lacking intelligence. They gain +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Intelligence.
Size: Centaurs are Large creatures and suffer a -1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC, gain a +1 bonus to CMB and CMD, and a -4 size penalty to Stealth checks. As Centaurs are Long, they do not have longer reach due to their size. Centaurs wield weapons sized for Medium creatures.
Type: Humanoid (Centaur)
Fast Speed: Centaurs have a base speed of 40 feet.
Languages: Centaurs begin play speaking Ippan and Aklo.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Skill Training (Ex): Centaurs live a nomadic lifestyle, piecing together the bits of technology they have managed to preserve. Craft (Gizmo)[Int] and Survival (Wis) are class skills for all centaurs.
Offense Racial Traits
Natural Attack (Ex): Centaurs gain two hoof natural attacks. These are secondary natural weapons that deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Defense Racial Traits
Stubborn (Ex): Centaurs are difficult to sway, even with magic. They gain a +2 to Will saves against charm and compulsion spells and spell-like abilities, and if they fail such a save, they may attempt again 1 round later, at the same DC as the initial save.
Other Racial Traits
Quadruped (Ex): Centaurs have four legs, and gain a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and a 10 foot bonus to their base speed (this bonus is already factored into the speed listed above). While a centaur can be ridden like a horse, most consider this to be undignified and will not willingly allow others to ride them, save in emergencies.
Centaurs make for natural cowpokes.
Centaurs in Society
Centaurs fondly recall the years of yore, millenia ago, when technology was widespread, magic available to all, and according to their records, their own people were created by humans to populate the open plains of Kaia. They typically live in nomadic tribes, guarding ancient places of power or bits of old tech, traveling in wide territories to keep watch for interlopers and hunt for food. They treat all technology, whether old or new, as holy and deserving of reverence, speaking odd rites and litanies over their rifles and artefacts as they perform maintenance on them, claiming that 'the Overmind' sees their devotion and permits its small branches to aid them.
Centaurs tend towards isolationism, though those who befriend them will find they make loyal allies. They are an open and varied group, eager to learn anything new and adapt new practices, though stubbornly attached to their beliefs in the holiness of technology and some mysterious 'Overmind' that all tech is a part of.
Additional Note: Centaurs can only be played when certain conditions are met in the campaign, or the campaign takes place after a certain point in time. See the DM's Guide for more detail.