8th Gate, Nu Gransen (Plagueworld)
The temperature here is over 50 degrees C during the day, and falls to around 35 degrees C at night. The air is dry and dusty. The land is mostly rocks and extremely dry soil, with some scraggly grasses and molds growing here and there. Large, skeletal fungoid trees dot the landscape, the only evidence of what was once a lush jungle of fungal lifeforms, inhabited by monstrous reptiles and insectoids. While the reptiles have long since died out, the Insecta evolved to their environment and still roam the wilds, searching for the minerals, radioactive materials, and underground molds that sustain their life. They do not hesitate to attack other life-forms, as they can obtain their carbon needs from nearly any organic source.
Insecta are tightly controlled by their respective hives, but separate hives typically do not work together, instead fighting over control of resources for their own hive. Each hive is overseen by a Hive Tyrant that telepathically controls its subjects over a long range. Other psychically gifted Insecta work under the hive tyrant to transmit orders beyond the range of its control through a relay system, and to micromanage smaller groups of Insecta, as the hive tyrant can't control all its subjects at this granular of a level. It can, however, directly control any of the Insecta within its telepathy range.
The Frontier Gate on Nu Gransen is located only a few dozen meters from Tonelico Pico, the Ar Tonelico that stands guard over Nu Gransen. Pico is smaller than usual, with its antenna array placed a mere 1.25 miles above the surface of the planet. However, it is built like a fortress, with walls and battlements erected around it and artillery emplacements dotting its sides.
Within the walls around the tower, the town of Pico bustles with activity. Many are researchers, mercenaries, and adventurers, seeking information on the old world, or the untold treasures of the ancients. However, many merchants ply their trade here, selling proprietary gear that is difficult to acquire legally elsewhere. One can find wards to protect from radiation exposure, weapons tuned to fight Insecta, and gear to protect from the extreme heat and recycle the body's water for long trips.
Without protective gear, the following hazards affect travelers when outside:
Heat: During the day while outdoors, deals 1d6 fire damage per hour due to breathing the air, and 1d4 nonlethal damage every 10 minutes (Fort DC 20 negates, save each time. -4 if wearing armor).
Dust: Any time a character takes a strenuous action or speaks for more than a few seconds outdoors, they must make a DC 15 Reflex save or suffer 1d4 nonlethal damage and become staggered for 1 round due to coughing and choking.
Radiation: A character in a radioactive area suffers from radiation poisoning. Normal poison immunity does not apply to radiation poisoning.
An environment suit with a mask can be purchased for 500 sy, and protects from heat and dust. The mask has a filter that lasts 5 days and costs 50 sy to replace.
Environments suits cannot be worn over armor.
The mask can be purchased separately for 150 sy, and can be worn with armor.
A water-recycling add-on can be purchased for an additional 500 sy, and reduces the water consumption needed by the user to 100 mL/day, so long as they wear the suit.
A radiation ward can be purchased for 1000 sy, and reduces the level of radiation poisoning suffered by 2 (e.g. Severe radiation is treated as Moderate).
Redlight Clips (technic artifact) cost only 750 sy here.
Due to mass-production processes, Insecta-bane enchantments can be added to weapons with only a single day of work here, regardless of the existing enchantments on the weapon. The normal cost must still be paid.