Unlike other ninja, the jounin does not always hide in the shadows, instead often facing his foes down directly. He uses magical abilities learned through years of study to make sure his face is the last his foes ever see.
Class Skills
The jounin adds Knowledge (Hymnos) and Spellcraft to his list of class skills, instead of Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, and Sense Motive.
This alters the ninja's class skills.
Skill Ranks per Level: The jounin gains a number of skill ranks equal to 6 + his Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of 8 + his Intelligence modifier skill ranks.
This alters the ninja's skill ranks per level.
A jounin casts arcane spells and cantrips as a bladesinger, except that he uses Charisma instead of Intelligence to determine which spells he can cast, save DCs, bonus spells known, and the like. He prepares spells using a spellbook, drawn from the magus spell list.
This replaces the 4th-, 8th-, 10th-, 14th-, and 16th-level ninja tricks. A jounin cannot learn a rogue talent in place of a ninja trick. He can instead learn a bladesinger arcana, and may spend ki points in place of arcane pool points to activate these arcana.
Spell Scroll: A jounin has a Spell Scroll that functions in the same way as a bladesinger's spellbook.
Mystic Bolts (Su)
A jounin can sling a projectile of magical energy as a standard action at will by shooting a bolt or touching his foe. He may also make an attack with a mystic bolt as part of a charge instead of using a weapon. A melee mystic bolt requires the target to be within reach, and a ranged mystic bolt is a ranged attack with a range increment of 30 feet (max 5 increments). A mystic bolt deals 1d6+Cha points of damage plus an additional 1d6 at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter.
The jounin must choose one type of damage for his mystic bolt: acid, cold, electricity, fire, wind (slashing), wood (piercing), or water (bludgeoning). The jounin ninja attacks with mystic bolts as though they were light one-handed weapons, and the bolts can be used with feats and abilities that apply to weapon attacks. A jounin can take Weapon Focus (mystic bolt) and apply it to both melee and ranged mystic bolts.
Creating a mystic bolt requires the hand to be free, but the bolt appears only briefly, so a jounin using mystic bolts has a free hand any time he isn’t attacking with a mystic bolt.
The jounin threatens with a mystic bolt and can make attacks of opportunity with it, but only if he has a hand free. Because mystic bolts are impermanent, a spell that targets a single weapon (like magic weapon) can’t affect them, nor can a mystic bolt be made with magic weapon special abilities. Abilities that affect all weapon attacks the jounin makes, such as the arcane striker jounin trick, function with mystic bolts.
At 5th level and every 4 ninja levels thereafter, the jounin chooses another damage type from the list above. Each time he creates a mystic bolt, he can have it use any one of the damage types he has selected.
This ability replaces sneak attack.
Piercing Bolts (Ex)
At 3rd level, the jounin's mystic bolts ignore one point of armor or natural armor the target has. This amount of armor penetration increases by 1 every three ninja levels thereafter.
This ability replaces No Trace.
Jounin Tricks
A jounin can select from any of the following ninja tricks, in addition to general ninja tricks.
Arcane Striker (Su): The jounin gains Arcane Strike as a bonus feat. At 12th level, when he activates Arcane Strike, he can choose to also give his weapons (including Mystic Bolts) the flaming, frost, shock, or thundering weapon special ability. He makes this choice each time he activates Arcane Strike, and it lasts for the same duration. At 16th level, he adds anarchic, axiomatic, flaming burst, holy, icy burst, shocking burst, and unholy to the list of special abilities he can select. He cannot apply an alignment-based effect that opposes one of his alignments (e.g. a CN jounin could not apply axiomatic).
Elemental Armor (Su): When he uses a mystic bolt, the jounin gains armor made of elemental energy. He is surrounded by a nimbus of the associated element, granting him resistance 5 to damage of that element's type (for physical damaging elements, such as wind, this grants DR 5 that only applies to the associated damage type). This resistance lasts until the beginning of the jounin's next turn.
At 8th level, the jounin's armor deals 1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type to any creature striking the jounin with a natural weapon or a non-reach melee weapon. A creature that attempts a grapple combat maneuver check against the jounin also takes this damage. A creature can take damage in this way no more than once per round.
At 12th level, the damage increases to 2d6 points.
Dual Bolt (Su): (Minimum level 6th) As a full-round action, the jounin can fire off or strike with one bolt from each hand. These attacks may be against the same or different targets. He takes a -2 penalty on the attack rolls for each of these bolts. At 16th level, he can make a third attack with a mystic bolt each round.
Esoteric Combat (Su): (Minimum level 6th) As a full-round action, the jounin can cast a spell or spell-like ability with a casting time of one standard action (or less) and attack once with a mystic bolt. He may use the same hand for the bolt as he does for the spell.
Tattoo Chamber (Su): The jounin can magically absorb items through a tattoo on his hand or wrist and easily retrieve them or activate their magical abilities without making them manifest. The items seemingly disappear into the tattoo, but actually enter an extradimensional space that the jounin can access via the tattoo. Stowing an item in this way requires a full-round action, and the space can store one item plus one additional item per 3 ninja levels he has. These items must be items the jounin can hold in one hand. Retrieving a stowed item requires mentally activating the tattoo as a swift action. The item appears in the jounin's hand, so worn items must still be donned to gain their benefits. The jounin can also casting a spell from a stored wand as though he were wielding the wand, producing the magic effect from his tattoo rather than from the wand itself. If the jounin dies while items are within his tattoo chamber, those items fade into existence within 5 feet of the corpse.
This alters ninja tricks.